Take Up Space

A workshop by Miraka Shelly Davies and Belinda Thomas

Build a foundation that’ll empower you to take risks, overcome fear and self-doubt, and do the things you’ve always wanted to do.

Is self-doubt making your life small?

Self-doubt is exhausting because you’re busy second-guessing yourself the whole time. And while you do that, you’re missing out on the chance to say what you really mean and be who you really are.

Maybe some of these things sound familiar?

  1. You don’t feel you’ve the right to pursue your dreams

  2. You don’t have the confidence to speak up and share ideas

  3. You’d love to dress differently but you’re scared of what people will say.

  4. You feel the ‘professional’ person you are at work isn’t the real you.

  5. You’re doing what’s expected of you, but it feels like you’re leading someone else’s life.

No more. You only get one life. It’s time to take up space.

This workshop is for you

  • If a lack of confidence is holding you back

  • If you’re struggling with leadership

  • If you’ve been told you’re too much

What we'll cover in the workshop

Build a foundation that’ll empower you to take risks, overcome fear and self-doubt, and do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Here’s some of the great stuff we’ll cover.

  • Trust yourself. Change the way you think and feel about yourself.

  • Deal with challenges. Become more resilient whatever life serves up.

  • Lead authentically. Become the sort of leader who helps others take up space too.

  • Go for your dreams. Learn how to go after what you want in life.

A fun day of laughter and connection for anyone who wants to explore how they can take up more space in the world. Be less apologetic and less self-conscious. Feel confident knowing you can stand comfortably anywhere you choose.

  • 9:00 am start

  • Lunch included

  • 3:00 pm finish & head for a drink

Everyone welcome. No more of this diminutive bullshit. Take. Up. Space.

Rave reviews

“Don't stop doing what you do, you two are the perfect anti-shrinking agents.”

“Thank you both for sharing your wonderful energies with us and creating an inclusive authentic space once again.

“You both f**king rock!!!! Stay fabulous xxxx”

“Such a fantastic day. I'm still buzzing!!!!”

“I’m still buzzing from Monday. I’m owning my Superpower and leaving my shitty memos at the door!”

Move past self-doubt into self-confidence

We’re running this workshop because we meet so many people hiding away, playing small, not standing in their full power.

And it breaks our hearts that so many people can’t see how brilliant they are.

Partly that’s because in New Zealand it’s a bit dirty to be proud of yourself. We say fuck that. But often it’s more. Maybe people who should have backed you cut you down and you’ve internalised their BS ever since.

But that’s enough. It’s time to take up space.

Ticket price

$147 + booking fee

Everyone welcome. Lunch included.

More rave reviews

“Thank you, an amazing day that expanded my perception and gave me a slew of new tools to banish shit and clear the path for great things! Much love to you and Shelly, hope that you are enjoying those well-earned beverages.


Meet your irreverent badass hosts

Miraka (Shelly) Davies

Described as the lovechild of Brené Brown and P!nk, aged 37, Shelly walked away from her family’s five-generation commitment to conservative Christianity and started the exploratory period of her life, also known as “fucking shit up.” A people pleaser in recovery, she infiltrates organisations on the pretext of giving writing training and subverts teams to question the rules, while using her hard-won lessons in badassery to inspire you to know yourself, love yourself, find power, and have joy.

Belinda Thomas

The Veuve Cliquot of the professional development world, with a bag of Bluebird chips on the side, Belinda is expert in the neuroscience of success but gives few fucks about corporate bluster. Growing up on a Hawkes Bay farm, she’s as comfortable sitting at a boardroom table as she is having tequila shots off the back of a ute at your local A&P show. She’s raised two amazing humans, taught Shelly to swear, has an intimate relationship with her boat, and lives to give mediocrity the bird.